I’m happy to feature saxophonist Moshe Greenberg from Israel!
What instrument(s) do you play?
Alto Sax
How did you start learning music?
All my life I was imagining that I’m playing an Alto Sax by the influence of Paul Desmond. At the age of 45 I finally had the opportunity to meet a Sax Jazz player and started to take lessons with him.
Why did you join JVL and how does it help you?
I saw the lesson of analyzing the solo of Hank Mobley – Nica’s dream. It helped me a lot.
Where do you live?
Tel Aviv, Israel
What are your current project(s)?
Created a quintet and we are rehearsing once a week towards a first gig in mid-July in Tel Aviv.
Where can people find more about you or connect with you?
You can connect with me right here on this website 🙂