“On Green Dolphin Street” (originally titled “Green Dolphin Street”) is a 1947 popular song composed by Bronisław Kaper with lyrics by Ned Washington. The song was composed for the film Green Dolphin Street, which was based on a 1944 novel of the same name by Elizabeth Goudge, and became a jazz standard in the 1950s.
It’s a 32 bars ABAC form with sometimes an added tag at the end of the solo (listen to the recording by Miles Davis). The A section uses a tonic pedal with constant structures harmony, although Ahmad Jamal used a dominant pedal throughout the entire form.
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9 comments on “On Green Dolphin Street”
Great version!
Played that standard at a local gig yesterday:
Upper structure triads 🙂
Here I am practicing these upper structure triads:
Warmed-up with this standard in D-flat, share yours!
a beautiful transcription of Bill Evans’ version in 1959, one year after Miles Davis’ https://youtu.be/SkjabWb9elM?si=ltYnWHS033eEnKCw
A slightly different take on the tune.
Oh yeah! thanks for sharing this version 🙂