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21 comments on “Tenderly

  1. says:

    FYI… The Paulus Schäfer Trio with Dominique Paats played a great version of “Tenderly” on today’s live stream of DjangoFest NW 2020

  2. says:

    I’m very fond of the Johnny Hodges version:

    • Alex Terrier
      Alex Terrier says:

      Indeed a beautiful version. What a sound and his signature vibrato. Sometimes I feel Johnny Hodges is kinda of underrated, for me he is one of the saxophonists who shaped the modern sound of the saxophone. John Coltrane was very influenced by him and sounded very close to Hodges when Coltrane was a young alto player!

      Interesting to notice that he is playing Tenderly in D (F concert).

  3. Julien Emmanuel
    Julien Emmanuel says:

    Bonjour Alex,

    Très chouette arrangement, bravo !

    Je pourrais tenter d’enregistrer ce week-end la partie sax alto 1 à l’harmonica chromatique. Par contre mesure 21 je n’ai pas le la bémol grave, je serai obligé de le monter d’une octave. Est-ce OK pour toi ?

    On enregistre juste l’instrument ou bien aussi un décompte de départ ?



  4. says:

    Alex, Run through yesterday showed m17-20 of Alto1 part will need work to get timing right. Sure my RCI class will help with that! So, I’ll probably first attempt the Alto2 part, Recording video will be new for me. If learning to do that doesn;t eat up too much time, I may also try one of the parts on clarinet.

  5. Sabine Simmermacher
    Sabine Simmermacher says:

    Très raffinée ta compo concert Alex, j’aime beaucoup.
    Par contre difficile pour ma voix. L’alto 2 monte ( en lead !) trop haut et le tenor part dans la cave. Coté solfège, je nage par endroits….
    Laisser jouer les instru seuls me semble plus logique… (et plus beau … sans onomatopées)
    Jusqu’au 23, je continue à pratiquer (arpèges, voicings etc), puis vous écouterai.

  6. says:

    I like the Tenderly arrangement,,,,,do you want a recording this week…or aiming for before live meeting on 9/23?

    • Alex Terrier
      Alex Terrier says:

      Craig Harris well, without rushing like crazy, I’d like to have some recordings as soon as possible to put together a video with everybody. I don’t think we will have time to get it done before our next live but we can try!

  7. says:

    What is better than Stacey Kent’s recording to learn this melody ?

  8. Sabine Simmermacher
    Sabine Simmermacher says:

    Enjoy the fabulous interpretation of
    Jose James + Jef Neve
    (impro piano at the begining and at 3’20)

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