Conduct a self-audit: What kind of content do you find yourself consuming regularly? Is it bringing tangible results to your musical journey? Ask yourself if you’re genuinely taking action or simply amassing knowledge without putting it to use.
To aid you in organizing your practice sessions effectively, here are some practice planner templates. These tools will help you structure your practice time efficiently and make the most out of your efforts.
Your growth as a musician depends not only on what you know but how you apply that knowledge in your daily practice. So, let’s engage in meaningful discussions and share your thoughts and questions in the comments section!
Remember, it’s not just about what you learn, but how you make it a part of your musical journey that truly counts.
Log in or create your JVL profile now to download the PDFs. It’s free and you get access to a ton of great informative lessons!
Les documents existent-ils en Français?
Bonjour Christian, je n’ai pas traduit ces documents en français. Aussi, si tu préfères il y a un document avec le plan mensuel, peut-être plus simple que celui-ci:
Hi Aleix!
Thanks Alex! Looks good.
This was a huge help, thank you!
Salut Alex.
Ce qui manque trop souvent c’est l’organisation du travail musical. Ton plan m’apparaît bien conçu mais surtout pour des musiciens qui ont du temps pour s’organiser de la sorte. Ça doit être super efficace , en tout cas plus que ma pratique actuelle!!!