“Isn’t She Lovely” is a song by Stevie Wonder from his 1976 album, Songs in the Key of Life.
This is song is in MAJOR, not in minor like you can see in many Youtube videos… It has a AB form of 16 bars and the melody is based on the pentatonic scale.
One of the characteristics of Stevie Wonder is that he used “jazz” harmony, meaning complete 4-note chords and even extensions which is quite rare in pop music.
The harmonic progression is simple, yet brilliantly illustrates fundamental elements of tonal harmony and voice leading! We will study the original chords progression and study some variations from different versions.
Listen to the “Isn’t She Lovely” playlist and let me know in the comments which is your favorite version!
Video lessons:
Pro Live Session
Isn’t she lovely
Isn’t she wonderful
Isn’t she precious
Less than one minute old
Isn’t she wonderful
Isn’t she precious
Less than one minute old
I never thought through love we’d be
Making one as lovely as she
But isn’t she lovely, made from love
Making one as lovely as she
But isn’t she lovely, made from love
Isn’t she pretty
Truly the angel’s best
Boy, I’m so happy
We have been heaven blessed
Truly the angel’s best
Boy, I’m so happy
We have been heaven blessed
I can’t believe what God has done
Through us he’s given life to one
But isn’t she lovely, made from love
Through us he’s given life to one
But isn’t she lovely, made from love
Isn’t she lovely
Life and love are the same
Life is Aisha
The meaning of her name
Londie, it could have not been done
Without you who conceived the one
That’s so very lovely, made from love, hey
Life and love are the same
Life is Aisha
The meaning of her name
Londie, it could have not been done
Without you who conceived the one
That’s so very lovely, made from love, hey
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18 comments on “Isn’t She Lovely”
Hello Everybody !
That’s my first contribution. I Discover step by step the Work routine around standards with Alex’s Method.
Here I tried to practice Bass line (new for me) and some triads in a structured manner… That not very Natural but it will come with time… I’m expecting so…
Yeah Sylvain! Check out the live session for my feedback, nice job!
Unfortunately I wasn’t available yesterday, gone to a Hip-Hop Concert with my teenagers… not so bad… but I prefer Jazz Music !
Ok, I’ll try to see the replay as soon as possible to have your feedback !
Ok Alex, I saw and listened the feedback you gave me during the last pro live session.
Thanks a lot for your critic analysis !
– The backing track I used : that’s an export of yours that I have reworked a bit in my daw (LogicProX).
I share it for the community : https://saxtunes.freeboxos.fr:16999/share/5-u1emgLEIRvffj-/Isn't%20she%20lovelyBT.mp3
– My bass line : that was my first one… Indeed, even if I play saxophone since decades, I never worked this way… So thank you, I retain that I have to stay in low register. I’ll try to master my will to improvise directly and keep straight on bass line. Next time, I’ll try to work without bass line on the backing track to do my own.
– Triads/Tetrads : That’s de same, I have some materials in my fingers and it’s hard to separate all my skills, learned on the ground. But you’re right, I need to play more progressive solos : triads, then tetrads, then other vocabulary. I continue to watch your vidéos and train my accuracy with daily triads exercices !
– Last thing, I indeed have a tendency to do too much notes. I need to do more pause between phrases and to have a more light chorus.
I hop that I will erase all my autodidact sax players default thanks to your advises and courses !
If “Isn’t She Lovely” was in minor:
just a quick note, bar 64 on EbMaj7 or Eb7 you do not use the 11# in the arpeggio may be because it is not in the scale but I think we can still use it…even if gives a lydian color
Yes, you could! I would not really do it on Eb7 as it does resolve to Ab so it is a dominant and not a subV. On Eb∆ it’s the tonic chord so the first choice is ionian but again we can definitely change it to lydian, it really comes down to the player’s choice, but here it seems to me it would conflict a lot also because we don’t have much time in this bar to install this new color. But that’s a great topic we can dig deeper during the live class!
another version with interesting harmonies!!!
Oh yes of course, such a terrific arrangement!
1. Birelli Lagréne, Sylvain Luc
2. Victor Feldman
3. Bill Hollman
4. Monty Alexander
Another version by Birelli Lagréne, fantastic solo @2:00
But above all you are a wonderful musician Stevie Wonder
Hello! Super cours! Très interessant!
En particulier la carte tonale, je ne connaissais pas ce concept que je trouve très visuel et aidant, bien que un peu flou encore pour moi.
Est ce que ce concept de carte tonale est approfondi dans un des cours de la plateforme? Je suis encore en découverte de tout le contenu…si oui, peux tu m’indiquer dans quelle leçon aller pour aller dans le détail?
Merci d’avance et tous mes voeux pour 2025!!
salut Sylvain! yes, c’est par ici:
Ok! je m’en doutais un peu, j’ai commencé ce cours, mais je ne suis qu’au premier module… c’est pour la suite j’imagine ! Merci pour ta réponse rapide
Dans cette vidéo j’explique précisément cette représentation
Top, j’avais pas cliqué, je croyais que tu me renvoyais vers le cours d’harmonie global que j’ai commencé et que je trouve top, bien qu’en Anglais uniquement, mais très complet, éclairant sur certains thèmes que je découvre et rassurant sur d’autres que je révise ! Je vais de suite aller voir la vidéo sur cette représentation ! Merci !
There are many great versions here.
I would choose in priority Sylvain Luc and Birelli Lagrène. Two guitar players among the bests.
Monty Alexander with John Clayton and Jeff Hamilton deserves an exceptionnal performance.
I like too Bill Holman and Victor Feldman
After Stevie’s version my top 3 are:
1. Sylvain Luc / Biréli Lagrène
2. Victor Feldman
3. Bill Hollman
1. Luc / Lagrene
2. Woody Herman
3. Monty Alexander