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4 comments on “Equipment Selection And Care By D’Addario Woodwinds

  1. Noah Osnos
    Noah Osnos says:

    A vote for the synthetic reed here. I have used Legere’s forever (preferring the Signature Cut, but anxiously awaiting my order of the American Cut). I also use Forestone (black bamboo and Hinoki-white) and Hartmann. In high & dry altitude, they are a lifesaver. Nobody has ever said my tone was ‘non-cane’.

    • Alex Terrier
      Alex Terrier says:

      @Noah I’m sorry we didn’t have time to really get into the Venn reeds and I know you wanted to! Personally I have never been keen on synthetic reeds but to be honest, last time I tried was probably in the 90s so I guess I should update myself on these reeds. I’ll get some venn myself and give it a try!

  2. Noah Osnos
    Noah Osnos says:

    I think one of the big problems we have is that our tone conception comes from records where there is reverb, delay, and compression which we don’t hear live (when we practice). Listen to Steve Neff’s mouthpiece reviews with/without post-production – very different.

    • Alex Terrier
      Alex Terrier says:

      Interesting idea I actually didn’t think of but I think that’s a very valid point. one more reason to the list of “why one must go hear live music!!!”

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